Custom laser-engraved drinkware and patches offer a unique and high-quality way to elevate your company’s branding and merchandise. Precision engraving on drinkware creates durable, professional-looking products that customers will use daily, keeping your brand top-of-mind.
Similarly, custom patches add a versatile, tactile element to apparel and accessories, enhancing
their appeal and making them perfect for team uniforms, giveaways, or retail.
Together, these premium items turn everyday products into powerful branding tools that
leave a lasting impression.
Our minimum order for engraving orders is 12 pieces per design, each time you place an order. The quantity can be a mix of sizes and colors
Production lead time is typically 7-10 business days AFTER invoice & artwork approval. If you need an order sooner let us know and we see if we can meet your deadline.
Our goal is to get your order done right and on time 100% of the time. If you aren’t happy with what you receive, contact our team and we will work to make it right.